Book Description
This oversize anthology, with vibrant and original illustrations, includes three plays that young children will delight in reading and acting.
The vibrant and delightful illustrations complement the story of the plays while also offer suggestions on how they can be staged and represented. The three plays included are:
In the English Book
Christmas Presents
In the Spanish book
Regalos de Navidad
an original play by Alma Flor Ada which shows that things are not always what they seem to be, and that sometimes tricks and pranks can have unsuspected consequences
Charlotte’s Bicycle
La bicicleta de Carlota
an original play by F. Isabel Campoy
Goldie Hen
Gallinita Dorada
a playful retelling, in verse, of the traditional tale by Alma Flor Ada
Theatre has been a joyful passion in my life. I was part of every play my school put together during my elementary years, and later in High School, I also begun writing. One of my plays The Museum, was chosen to be performed at the important theatrical event of our class graduation. Theatre was a way of life for me that accompanied me to College.
Because of my experience with theatre, and how important it was in giving me a voice, breaking the barriers of shyness, and encouraging me to speak in public; ensuring that children have access to read and act in plays has always been one of my basic goals. Even if it is done with great simplicity, acting in a play can have very positive results.
I am convinced that one is better able to teach something one has enjoyed doing. And just as Alma Flor Ada and I emphasize, in our courses in Authors in the Classroom, that teachers who create their own books will be better able to get their students to become authors, I believe that encouraging teachers to do theatre and experiencing the richness of the process would better allow them to incorporate plays in their regular teaching.