Alegría includes a collection of Spanish poetry and folklore that can be used daily or to fit classroom themes or lessons. Compiled by Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy, the Teacher’s Manual contains entries selected for:
- literary merit and variety
- appeal to children
- representation of many different authors from various countries
- important themes
- instructional value
The folklore selections come from the traditions of many Spanish-speaking countries. Such folklore is important to include not only for its popularity but also because its use in the classroom validates the cultural heritage that students experience at home. Classic and contemporary selections by renowned Hispanic poets are found throughout the Anthology. Over 90 authors are represented, including Germán Berdiales (Argentina), Rubén Darío (Nicaragua), Isabel Freire de Matos (Puerto Rico), Federico García Lorca (Spain), Juan Ramón Jiménez (Spain), José Martí (Cuba), Gabriela Mistral (Chile), Amado Nervo (Mexico), Octavio Paz (Mexico), and María Elena Walsh (Argentina).