Children´s Books
- Baker, Keith, Big, Fat, Hen, New York, Harcourt, 2007
- Brown, Monica. Frida Khalo y sus animalitos. New York, North, South, 2017 [Frida Kahlo and Her Animalitos. New York, North, South, 2017]
- Ehlert, Lois. Como plantar un arco iris. New York. Harcourt. 2006. [Planting a Rainbow. New York. Harcourt. 1998.]
- Saltzberg, Barney, Besos cucú. New York, Harcourt 2005. [Peekaboo Kisses, New York, Harcourt. 2002]
- Schertle, Alice. El camioncito Azul. Boston, HMH Books for Young Readers, 2013. [Little Blue Truck, Boston, HMH Books for Young Readers, 2008]
- Walsh, Ellen Stoll. Cuenta de ratón. New York, Harcourt, 2007. [Mouse Count. New York, Harcourt, 1991.]
- Walsh, Ellen Stoll. Pintura de ratón. New York, Harcourt, 2007. [Mouse Paint. New York, Harcourt, 2007]
- Willems, Mo. ¿Debo compartir mi helado? New York, Hyperion. 2015. [Should I Share My Ice Cream?] New York, Hyperion.
- Willems, Mo. Dormiré la siesta! New York, Hyperion.2020 [I Will Take A Nap] New York, Hyperion.
- Willems, Mo. El conejito Knuffle. Un cuento aleccionador. New York, Hyperion Books for Children. 2007. [KnuffleBunny. A Cautionary Tale. New York, Hyperion. 2004.]
- Willems, Mo. ¡Escucha mi trompeta! New York, Hyperion. 2012. [Listen to My Trumpet! New York, Hyperion.]
- Willems, Mo. ¡Esperar no es fácil! New York, Hyperion. 2019. [Waiting is Not Easy!] New York, Hyperion.
- Willems, Mo. ¡Estamos en un libro!: Un libro de Elefante y Cerdita. New York, Hyperion. 2015. [We Are In A Book! New York, Hyperion. 2010.]
- Willems, Mo. ¿Estás lista para jugar afuera?: Un libro de Elefante y Cerdita. New York, Hyperion. 2018. [Are You Ready To Play Outside?, New York, Hyperion. 2008.]
- Willems, Mo. ¡He perdido un diente! New York, Hyperion. 2021. [I lost a tooth!] New York, Hyperion.
- Willems, Mo. ¡Hoy volaré!: Un libro de Elefante y Cerdita. New York, Hyperion. 2015. [Today I Will Fly!, New York, Hyperion. 2007.]
- Willems, Mo. ¡Me han invitado a una fiesta! New York, Hyperion. 2019. [I Am Invited to a Party!] New York, Hyperion.
- Willems, Mo. ¡Me rompí la trompa!: Un libro de Elefante y Cerdita. New York, Hyperion. 2019. [I Broke My Trunk!, New York, Hyperion. 2011.] *
- Willems, Mo. Mi amigo está triste: Un libro de Elefante y Cerdita. New York, Hyperion. 2019. [My Friend is Sad, New York, Hyperion. 2007.] *
- Willems, Mo. ¡No dejes que la Paloma conduzca el autobús! New York, Hyperion. 2011. [Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!, New York, Hyperion. 2003.]
- Willems, Mo. ¿Puedo jugar yo también? New York, Hyperion. 2018. [Can I Play Too?] New York, Hyperion.
- Willems, Mo. ¿Quién es el lector misterioso? New York, Hyperion. 2021. [Who Is The Mistery Reader? New York, Hyperion.
- Willems, Mo. Ricitos de oro y los tres dinosaurios. New York, Hyperion. 2010. [Listen to My Trumpet! New York, Hyperion.
- Willems, Mo. ¡Tienes un pájaro en la cabeza! New York, Hyperion. 2014. [There is A Bird On Your head!] New York, Hyperion.
- Willems, Mo. ¡Un tipo grande se llevó mi pelota!: Un libro de Elefante y Cerdita. New York, Hyperion. 2015. [A Big Guy Took My Ball!, New York, Hyperion. 2013.]
- Wood, Audrey, Cerditos. New York, Harcourt, 2006. [Piggies, New York, Harcourt, 1991]
- Willems, Mo. Vamos a dar una Vuelta. New York, Hyperion. 2020. [Let’s Go For a Drive] New York, Hyperion.
*Selected as The Children’s Book Committee’s Best Spanish Language Picture Books of the Year, 2020, (Books published or translated in 2019), Bank Street College of Education
[in collaboration with Alma Flor Ada]
- Ancona, George. Mis bailes /My dances. New York. Scholastic. 2004
- Ancona, George. Mi barrio / My neighnorhood. New York. Scholastic. 2004
- Ancona, George. Mi casa / My house. New York. Scholastic. 2004
- Ancona, George. Mi escuela / My school. New York. Scholastic. 2004
- Ancona, George. Mi familia / My family. New York. Scholastic. 2004
- Ancona, George. Mis amigos / My friends. New York. Scholastic. 2004
- Baker, Keith. Sometimes / Algunas veces. New York. Harcourt. 2009.
- Cohen, Caron Lee. Digger Pig and the Turnip/ Marranita Poco Rabo y el nabo. New York. Harcourt, 2008
- Crummerl Susan Stevens. Tumbleweed Stew / Sopa de matojos. Illustrated by Janet Stevens. New York. Harcourt, 2008
- Daniel, Claire. The Chick That Wouldn’t Hatch / El pollito que no quería salir del huevo. Illustrated by Lisa Campbell Ernst. New York. Harcourt, 2008
- Davis, Katie, Who Hops?/ ¿Quién salta? New York, Harcourt, 2006
- Douglas, Erin. Get That Pest! / ¡Agarren a ése! New York. Harcourt, 2007
- Ehlert, Lois. Plumas para almorzar. New York. Harcourt. 1996 [Feathers for Lunch. New York. Harcourt. 1990]
- Ehlert, Lois. A sembrar sopa de verduras. New York. Harcourt. 1996 [Growing Vegetable Soup. New York. Harcourt. 1987]
- Fox, Mem. Quienquiera que seas. llustrated by Leslie Staub. [Whoever Your Are. New York. Harcourt. 1997]
- Frasier, Debra. El día en que tú naciste. New York. Harcourt. 1998. [On the Day Your Were Born. New York. Harcourt. 1991.]
- Golenbock, Peter. Compañeros de equipo. New York. Harcourt. 2002 [Teammates. New York. Harcourt. 1990]
- Horenstein, Henry. Béisbol en los barrios. New York. Harcourt. 1997 [Baseball in the barrios. New York. Harcourt. 1997]
- Howard, Reginald. The Big, Big Wall / No puedo bajar. Illustrated by Ariane Dewey and Jose Aruego. New York. Harcourt, 2008
- Krull, Kathleen. Cosechando esperanza. Illustrated by Yuyi Morales. New York. Harcourt. 2003. [Harvesting Hope. New York. Harcourt. 2003.
- Krull, Kathleen. Wilma sin límites. Illustrated by David Díaz New York. Harcourt. 2000 [Wilma Unlimited. New York. Harcourt. 1996]
- McPhail, David. Big Brown Bear. / El gran oso pardo. New York. Harcourt, 2008
- McPhail, David. Big Pig and Little Pig / Cerdo y Cerdito. New York. Harcourt, 2008
- Moran, Alex What Day Is It? / ¿Qué día es hoy? New York, Harcourt 2008
- Most, Bernard. Catch Me If you Can / A que no me alcanzan. New York. Harcourt, 2008
- Murphy, Mary, I Like It When… / Me gusta cuando. New York, Harcourt 2002
- Saltzberg, Barney, Besos de animales. New York, Harcourt, 2000 [Animal Kisses, New York, Harcourt, 2000
- Soto, Gary. ¡Qué montón de tamales! Illustrated by Ed Martínez. New York. G. P. Putnam’s Sons. 1996 [Too Many Tamales. New York. G. P. Putnam’s Sons. 1993]
- Soto, Gary. Chato y su cena. Illustrated by Susan Guevara. New York. G. P. Putnam’s Sons. 1997. [Chato’s Kitchen. New York. G. P. Putnam’s Sons. 1995]
- Spengler, Kenneth. Little Red Hen Gets Help, Illustrated by Margaret Spengler. New York. Harcourt, 2008
- Walsh, Ellen Stoll. Salta y brinca. New York. Harcourt. 1993. [Hop. Jump. New York. Harcourt. 1993]
- Wood, Audrey. La casa adormecida. Illustrated by Don Wood. New York. Harcourt. 1995. [The Napping House. New York. Harcourt. 1984]