Saludos al público


This the­atre anthol­ogy includes five plays. Two orig­i­nal plays by F. Isabel Cam­poy: Busco un socio para mi nego­cio and Amis­tad, divino tesoro. The play Los dos her­manos is a drama­ti­za­tion of a tra­di­tional Jew­ish tale, by Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Cam­poy. La cena de tío tigre is a play by Clara Rosa Otero, based on a tra­di­tional folk­tale and La car­rera del grillo y el cara­col is a won­der­ful play in verse by Mireya Cueto.

The book also includes seven sec­tions that will teach chil­dren about var­i­ous aspects of the the­atre, its his­tory, the vocab­u­lary related to the the­atre, and will facil­i­tate their involve­ment with dif­fer­ent forms of stag­ing a play: Para jugar a los títeres. Par­tic­i­pantes en una rep­re­sentación teatral. Vocab­u­lario pro­pio del teatro. Vocab­u­lario rela­cionado con los títeres. Cómo nació el teatro. Para jugar al teatro. Cómo mon­tar tu propia obra.


The value of involv­ing chil­dren with the­atre are mul­ti­ple. Plays can be an excel­lent tool for pro­mot­ing the lead­er­ship skill of being able to speak in front of a group. Since they offer chil­dren the oppor­tu­nity to uti­lize words and lan­guage reg­istries they may not have other oppor­tu­nity to use, plays can be strong vehi­cle for vocab­u­lary and lan­guage development.

When used for choral read­ing plays can strengthen read­ing skills. In addi­tion, act­ing in a play enhances children’s self-confidence and self-esteem while pro­vid­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties to learn about one’s self and oth­ers. Most impor­tantly, putting on a play, no mat­ter how sim­ple, pro­motes the val­ues of col­lab­o­ra­tion and solidarity.

To read more on the sig­nif­i­cance of the­atre click here: Let’s Raise the Cur­tain! The Ben­e­fit of The­atre in the School and for sug­ges­tions on its use in the class­room read the sec­tion “Plays and Dra­matic Games” in Chap­ter 3 of A Mag­i­cal Encounter: Latino Children’s Lit­er­a­ture in the Class­room and for dra­matic responses to books, the sec­tion “Pro­mot­ing Dra­matic Expres­sion” in Chap­ter 4 of that same book.


Theatre has been a passion in my life. I was part of every play during my school years and later in High School I also begun writing. One of my plays  “The Museum” was chosen to be performed at the important theatrical event of our class graduation. Theatre was a way of life for me during those early years.

Because of my experience with theatre, and how important it was in giving me a voice, breaking the barriers of shyness, and encouraging me to speak in public; ensur­ing that chil­dren have access to read and act in plays has always been one of my basic goals. Even if it is done with great sim­plic­ity, act­ing in a play can have very pos­i­tive results.

I am con­vinced that one is bet­ter able to teach some­thing one has enjoyed doing. And just as Alma Flor Ada and I empha­size, in our courses in Authors in the Class­room, that teach­ers who cre­ate their own books will be bet­ter able to get their stu­dents to become authors, I believe that encour­ag­ing teach­ers to do the­atre and expe­ri­enc­ing the rich­ness of the process would bet­ter allow them to incor­po­rate plays in their reg­u­lar teaching.