Celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day with Samantha and Lola
Celebra el Día de San Patricio con Samantha y Lola


Story: Saman­tha loves Irish danc­ing, wigs, cos­tumes, and all! She is ready for the school tal­ent show. Her catchy enthu­si­asm moti­vates her friend, Lola, to learn a step or two. “One step at a time” Lola learns more and more.

Lit­tle does she know that Saman­tha has a Saint Patrick’s Day sur­prise in store!

Non-fiction: An overview of the his­tory and cel­e­bra­tion of St. Patrick’s Day with inter­est­ing and col­or­ful photographs.


Having lived in Boston for many years, the celebration of Saint Patrick’s Day was something I embraced and enjoyed with my many Irish friends. I used to joke with them (first generation immigrants) about accents… saying that highly educated people have accents in a language other than their mother tongue. But of course I also had Irish friends of second, third and fourth generation –with only Bostonian accents- who celebrated with enthusiasm that day.

Later, when I met the extended family of Alma Flor I had the joy of sharing the life experiences of her grandchildren, and Samantha, inspired us to write this book. We had the oppor­tu­nity to see her dance in var­i­ous cities through­out the United States. Her enthu­si­asm, the qual­ity of her per­for­mance, and the excit­ing expe­ri­ence of see­ing so many girls par­tic­i­pat­ing in these Fes­hes, as Irish dance meets are called, were won­der­ful sup­port at the time of writ­ing this book. It is eas­ier, and more mean­ing­ful to write, about things one has expe­ri­enced or knows well.

Since I am one of the two authors of this book, I can share my side of the story. You can visit www.isabelcampoy.com to read what the other author has to say.

Many read­ers are intrigued about how two authors col­lab­o­rate to write a book. If you share this curios­ity you may enjoy read­ing how I explain this expe­ri­ence in the chap­ter entitled “Writ­ing in Col­lab­o­ra­tion: One plus One is One or Two” in the book Alma Flor Ada and You, vol­ume II pub­lished by Libraries Unlimited.